Reinforcement Learning applied to Learning Beast Behaviour
It seems obvious to use reinforcement learning techniques to learn the
behaviour of the autonomous agents in the game, given that the problem
is to learn a priori unknown control policies, and rewards seem
easy to assign.
The simplest (effective) such techniques seem to use the idea of
temporal difference; of these, Q-learning is
straightfoward and has some nice convergence properties.
There are two aspects to these algorithms:
- The process of learning the control policy itself, which is
essentially a mapping from world-states to actions that result in
the maximum reward over the long term.
- Selection of an action, given a world-state. While learning,
there is a need to trade off exploitation versus
The idea of Q learning is to directly approximate the
Q-values, which are maintained in a two-dimensional table keyed
by the world-state and the action. Roughly, a Q-value is an
approximation to the expected reward value if we take this action in
this world-state, and from the successor state follow the optimal
The update rule is as follows:
Q(s, a)' := Q(s, a) + alpha * (reward + gamma * maxa'[Q(s', a')] - Q(s, a))
- s: the current state.
- a: the action taken, resulting in new state s'.
- alpha: learning constant (0.1).
- gamma: the discount on future rewards (0.9).
- reward: the reward for making action a in state s, resulting in state s'.
Note that it may be the case that the successor state is not entirely
determined by the action performed by the agent.
The formula can be applied directly, in a forward manner; this is nice
as the memory requirements are low. The problem is that learning is
quite inefficient, given the usual "zero rewards mostly" learning
scenario, as non-zero rewards will only be propogated backwards very
The alternative is to maintain a stack of (state, action, reward)
triples, and update the Q-values at some convenient time
backwards, i.e. from most-recent reward to the bottom of the stack.
The requirements for the algorithm to converge on a optimal control
policy are as follows:
- Deterministic Markov process (this is probably not the case here.)
- Bounded reward function.
- Each (state, action) pair is visited infinitely often.
See [Mitchell] for details.
Action Selection Policies
- e-greedy: Select the action with the highest
Q-value (1 - e) of the time ("greedy"), and a random one
e of the time. Note this doesn't factor in the relative merits
of any actions except the one with the largest Q-value.
- softmax: Add a random number drawn from a long-tailed
distribution (e.g. a normal distribution with x >= 0) to
each Q-value, and select the largest. Additionally, a
temperature may be factored in so that exploration is
encouraged early on, and exploitation used later.
The problem with the first approach is that the random numbers must be
commensurate with the Q values, which cannot be a priori
guaranteed with a fixed scaling factor. The solution is to go with the
stock Gibb's distribution:
pj = exj / sumi in 1..n [exi]
where pj is the probability of choosing action
j in a particular state.
Which to choose? softmax feels nicer as it exploits all
information for a given state.
Learning Beast Behaviour
- State space: 8 immediately adjacent squares (blocked or empty:
everything except
is mapped to "blocked"), 3x3
vector to the player (-1, 0, 1), distance (adjacent, near, far).
- Action space: move in one of the 8 dirs. Staying still is
probably not that exciting.
- Exploit symmetry in the state space: rotate the state so that the
player is always "North" of the beast in the transformed space. then:
"y" is one of {near, far}, "x" {left, middle, right}. Choose the
longest component of the player vector for the "straight ahead" bit,
shortest for the tranformed x co-ordinate.
Use a big flat array: index it with location (8 bits), "y" (2
bits), "x" (3 values, so 2 bits). Thus the state space has 1536
different configurations. Using something like Q learning,
this uses 9 (actions) * 1536 * 4 (bytes/float) = roughly 56k of
Encode states to ints:
- lower 8 bits are the blocks in adjacent squares (0 == empty
(player, empty space), 1 == blocked (everything else)).
- next bit is the distance ({near, far}).
- next 2 bits are the direction vector (squashed to {left,
middle, right}).
Rotated 90 degrees
anti-clockwise (so that the player is directly "north"), with
all objects squashed to the set {0, 1} as above, results in: |
- Reward function:
- Invalid move: -1000 (immediate)
- Dying: -5.
- Moving towards the player (NW, N, NE in the transformed space): 2.
- Kill player: 10
Delay giving the beast the reward until the next time it
- No need to pre-process the value-action table for e.g. invalid
moves: let it learn them by retrying on invalid move.
- [Sutton and Barto] suggest: To encourage exploration early on,
initialise the value-action table with wildly optimistic values. All
Q-values are way too high, and so even the good moves result in
smaller-than-initial Q-values. Note this is only a partial
solution to the exploration versus exploitation problem; I have
abandoned this as it seems unnecessary.
- Special case: if we're adjacent to the player, only one move
makes sense: move towards it!
[Mitchell] Tom M. Mitchell, Machine Learning,
McGraw-Hill, 1997.
[Sutton and Barto] Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto,
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction,
MIT Press, 1998.
Thanks to Waleed for
several discussions, and in particular, the formulation of the
state-space transformation.
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Peter Gammie
Last modified: Sat Mar 16 19:34:42 EST 2002