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Snailmail and publicity materials to:TOTO c/o Eugene Chew
19 Hannah St. Beecroft
NSW Australia 2119
TOTO is proudly brought to you by:the editors
eugene chew
adam rivett
staff writers
david bull
huan-tzin goh
natalia laban
adrian gunadi
sebastian niemandcontributing writers
rino breebaart
esther anatolitis
marta jary
peter plunkett
catherine mulligan
ursula hackett
yu-ching lee
nicole dados
kirsty leishman
simon haines
adam roffphotographer
charmaine hearderwebsite design
eugene chew
barry greenwebspace kindly donated by
peter gammie
toto staff gratefully accept this award for design excellence and commitment to content.
eugs wins $100 in union literary prize for his review of Lost Highway.
eugs wins $200 in union literary prize for his review of Saving Private Ryan.