While sifting through IMDB I discovered that John Clarke was the voice of Wal Footrot in Footrot Flats. There you go.
Thanks Dave. Paul Byrnes wrote a fair review (as always) in the Smage.
Directed by the guy who did Fight Club.
A De Niro / Pacino headed all-star crime flick. Better than I remembered and a soundtrack that captures the mid-90s to boot. It includes the magical Always Forever Now by the Passengers (U2 and Brian Eno), and various other Eno efforts.
A nice gig, as far as I recall: I remember him playing The Ship Song more-or-less solo, on the piano. I took a RyanAir flight to Glasgow from Gothenburg. Met up with Andy in the following days in Edinburgh. Certainly a decent mental-health break.
Great soundtrack by Peter Gabriel and some Indian musicians.