Kindle. The book-length version of a story Morris started telling back in 2011 about his relationship with his onetime supervisor, the incommensurable paradigm-shifting Kuhn, and the non-relative "truth". Moving past the colourful stories of the day, some fun interviews with Kripke, Putnam, Weinberg and others, some great quotes from Bertrand Russell, the text acts mostly as a sourcebook. Morris points at the following amongst many others:
- Kripke: Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language (1982) and all his other works ever.
- Chomsky on Kripke's Naming and Necessity and his own Dewey Lectures in 2013, titled What Kind of Creatures are We?, which apparently outline his mysterianism; to which Daniel Dennett is the only opponent (?).
- Juliet Floyd: Wittgenstein on Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics.
- Arthur Schopenhauer: The Art of Being Right on rhetoric, or how science might be made more like politics.
Morris sometimes seems confused: he mostly wants to be able to refer to a truth that is out there in an absolutist, realist sense, but sometimes writes as if it were a mutable thing, somehow forgetting the roles of belief and epistemology. He makes Kuhn sound like a Supreme Court originalist.
Originally a pointer from Tim Maudlin, who rails as hard against Niels Bohr's Copenhagen interpretation as Morris does against Kuhn. Laura Miller and commentary at Hacker News. David Kordahl observes that Morris is often constructing the Kuhn he is dismantling. Philip Kitcher. These reviewers and the many others should thank Morris for allowing them to parade their esoteric knowledge at mainstream venues.