peteg's blog - noise - movies - 2024 07 27 TheDeadDontHurt

The Dead Don't Hurt (2023)

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Viggo Mortensen wrote, directed and (apparently unintentionally) starred in this. The poster at IMDB is in the classic style of an old Western and in many ways so is the movie.

Vicky Krieps (Phantom Thread) leads as a Francophile woman who's after a good time on her own terms in a place we're supposed to recognise as San Francisco in the 1860s. She's sick of her hectoring establishment lover Colin Morgan and meeting laconic carpenter Viggo on the docks seals the deal: off she heads to Nevada (I read later) with him to live an isolated quiet life in a wooden cabin redolent of her childhood. Being of independent mind she gets a job at a saloon in a nearby town. Viggo, also of independent mind, feels the need to see the nascent Civil War for himself (in New Mexico) and leaves her to the local heavily-drawn predators (Garret Dillahunt, Solly McLeod, Danny Huston) and our perplexity.

The themes of fatherhood and an unwell mother run throughout and are something of a compliment to Captain Fantastic. Both leads radiate quiet inner strength. Viggo is more restrained — have we seen him play a Dane before? (A quick google suggests yes.) The multilingual dialogue is a nice touch as it dodges (or at least complexifies) much that is problematic in this genre. I found the (mild) violence unwelcome; while it's not glorified it detracts from what is otherwise a gentle love story between two strong people where nothing particularly complicated goes on. I wish Viggo could have found some other way to raise the stakes than by compromising Krieps.

Ben Kenigsberg made it a New York Times Critic's Pick. The film has "a nested, at times unnecessarily complicated structure." Marcel Zyskind's cinematography is fine. Four stars of five from Peter Bradshaw and Wendy Ide (it flags whenever Krieps is off screen). San Francisco is "the end of the world" — tell that to the Chinese immigrants. Michael Wood: the trio of opening scenes (knight in forest, shootout in town, woman dying in bed) are disjointed, the juxtaposition awkward ... but has interesting effects. He proceeds to lay it all out for us. Eastern Promises. "This film is about class and money rather than who shot Liberty Valance." The middle section drags. Brian Tallerico at TIFF 2023. Three-and-a-half stars and many references from Matt Zoller Seitz at Roger Ebert's site. Loads of details at Wikipedia. I read later that Viggo also composed the music and produced. Nobody compared Krieps to Claudia Cardinale in Once Upon a Time in the West.